Shelly Palmer

Understocked Surface Pro Tablet Sells Out on Retail Shelves

The Microsoft Surface Pro, the new flagship Windows 8 device that launched on Saturday, is reportedly sold out in many retail locations across the country. Great success, right? Not so fast. Apparently, as reported by ZDnet, that fact might be misleading. In general, of course, selling out on the day of a product launch is good thing. But not if it only sold out because there weren’t enough Surface Pros available. And that seems to be the problem here. Apparently, stores around the country only received a handful of Surface Pros, so they quickly sold out, leaving lots of angry customers with empty hands. Microsoft seems to call it a win, though. “Customer response to the launch of Surface Pro has been amazing. We’re working with our retail partners who are currently out of stock of the 128GB Surface Pro to replenish supplies as quickly as possible,” Microsoft wrote on its official Surface Pro blog.

Read the full story at Mashable.