Shelly Palmer

Work or play? No need to choose with Windows 8 and Surface.

(Note: The following piece was written by Laura Wallace, the General Manager of the New York Metro District for Microsoft Corp.)

In the dialogue around the work-life balance, I find the very idea that “balance” is achievable, a little flawed. It suggests that we can make a choice to either put on our professional or personal hat – that the end goal is to find a way to seamlessly, magically jump in and out of these roles.

Microsoft Surface Tablet

In my experience, the real quest worth embarking upon is not treating the two as competing interests, but as roles that can co-exist. “Work-life integration” is a more realistic goal in my life, where I sometimes have to – or want to – wear both hats at once. In my work helping local business customers adopt technologies that empower them to succeed, I hear this same realistic take on “work-life balance.” I’m proud that Microsoft is driving innovations like the new Windows 8 OS and Surface tablet, which make it incredibly easy to assimilate and accomplish great things in all areas of our lives.

Windows 8 is particularly suited to support work-life integration because many of its features pull double – even triple – duty, just like many of us. The system’s touch-oriented interface provides users with quick and natural access to the programs, apps and functionality they need so that succeeding in personal and professional realms is no longer an “either/or” proposition.

Touch isn’t the only new feature that makes work easier and play a lot more fun. Here are just a few of the highlights:

If you’ve always wondered when work-life balance was going to feel as effortless as it sounds, the time might be now, with innovations like Windows 8 and Surface on the market. They just might make the impossible seem possible, at last! Learn more about – and purchase – Windows 8 and the Surface tablet at a nearby Microsoft Store or online today, to set yourself down the path toward integration.