Shelly Palmer

Innovate Your Life

Change Ahead

I’ve recently started to wonder why we don’t run our lives more like a business. In business, nearly everything is accountable and measurable. If a company stops making money, it will go out of business. If a person loses passion and purpose, they will stop making progress toward their own goals. What’s the ROI on your day? We have to show up for life each day like we show up for work.

After spending the past several years innovating other people’s lives and brands, I decided to apply my process of innovation to my own life. Since the delivery of this TEDx Talk, I’ve conducted a Personal Brand Audit, established a Personal Board of Directors and identified Key Performance Indicators for all aspects of my life. I look forward to sharing my quarterly and annual reports as I journey down the road of innovating my life one day at a time.

Also since the TedTalk, I decided to take my belief that social media is a force for good in the world to the next level. I created a new education-focused division of my company, Digital Royalty University, which launches October 2. Although Digital Royalty has been doing social media training with clients and corporate brands for a couple of years, Digital Royalty University will be able to provide on-demand online training that will offer social media, culture and personal innovation classes for individuals whether they are small business owners, real estate agents, bloggers, or parents wanting to keep up with their tech-savvy kids.

The most exciting part of Digital Royalty University is our Buy One Give One Program and our partnership with the non-profit organization, Teach For America. For every class of social media education purchased, one hour of social media education will be given to a teacher. By educating teachers on the power of social media, we can bridge the gap between the virtual and physical worlds, and help teachers connect with parents and students to better the school community as a whole. Social media education accelerates the process of learning and innovation.

Also launching on October 2 is my first book, Renegades Write the Rules, a guide on how to use social media to innovate your life or business and increase your influence online.