Shelly Palmer

Google’s ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’ button gets Playful, Artistic

I'm Feeling Playful

Google’s ingenious marketing and creative departments — the folks who tirelessly reinvent the company’s logo in the form of “doodles” (and by so doing seem to have taken branding to a whole new realm) — have produced a new and equally irresistible gimmick. This time around, as noticed by AllThingsD’s Mike Isaac, it’s a change to the Google home page’s iconic “I’m Feeling Lucky” button. When you mouse-over the button, it “spins” like the display on a slot machine and stops on any one of several “I’m Feeling…” phrases, among them: I’m Feeling Doodley, I’m Feeling Stellar, I’m Feeling Puzzled, and I’m Feeling Artistic. Read the full story at CNET.