Shelly Palmer

Shelly Palmer Radio Report – September 13, 2011

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Ford is teaming up with the company Bug Labs to make your car’s tech open-source. Bug Labs lets people create advanced electronic modules without having to know any programming. Ford’s adoption of the company’s OpenXC software will allow consumers to modify everything from GPS to fuel efficiency meters. In other news, the Department of Energy has invested $1.2 million on the idea that cars aren’t necessarily wasting fuel, drivers are. Researchers at the University of California are trying to develop technology that changes bad driving habits and could offer up to 30% more fuel efficiency. And finally, IBM’s Jeopardy dominating computer Watson just landed a job in the healthcare field. Insurance company WellPoint has hired the supercomputer to help suggest treatments and diagnoses for doctors. Facing pressure to digitize the industry, Watson could set a new precedent in the field.