Shelly Palmer

Shelly Palmer Radio Report – November 23, 2010

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Netflix wants out of the DVD-by-mail business so now, it is offering a web-only streaming plan for $7.99 a month, and they have raised the price of their traditional DVD-by-mail plan. The end of an era is near. In other news, Amazon has released a new iPhone app that to help shoppers find the best prices on products in both online and offline stores this holiday season. There are lots of ways to check the prices: snap a picture of the barcode, type in the product name , or speak the name of the product. Once you find the best price, you can go ahead and make your purchase, even if it’s not on Amazon. Nice. And finally, a new study in the Netherlands suggests that Wi-Fi radiation is harmful to trees. Over 70 percent of urban trees in the Netherlands showed damage, compared to 10 percent just five years before. Does WiFi radiation affect people? Not so far.