Shelly Palmer

NBC’s Ben Silverman Managing for Margins: MediaBytes with Shelly Palmer July 17, 2008


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Watch Shelly’s commentary on NBC’s Ben Silverman and his decision to manage for margins.

JULIE ROEHM will be a judge on the new Mark Burnett reality show “Jingles.” The CBS reality show, which also features Gene Simmons, has contestants write and perform jingles for a variety of products. The show, which was originally scheduled to air this month, has been pushed back a few months due to lack of promotion.

EBAY’s (NASD: EBAY) stock is up 4.5% on news that the company’s profit is up 22%. Despite lawsuits and a botched deal with, eBay is riding high on fees. The surcharges for auction listings and PayPal are at an all time high.

AMAZON (NASD: AMZN) will launch an online store for movies and TV shows. Amazon Video on Demand will serve 40,000 movies and TV shows on a streaming server, which users will be able to watch without downloading. Unlike APPLE’s iTunes store, the videos available at Amazon will all be streaming, rather than downloads.

NINTENDO, MICROSOFT (NASD: MSFT) and SONY (NYSE: SNE) each announced similar plans at the E3 convention. Each plans to unveil more games, more networked interactivity and more ways for gamers to use their systems for things unrelated to video games. Also, both Microsoft and Sony will be lowering the price of their systems.