Shelly Palmer

CES 2023 Day 1

Greetings from Las Vegas. CES® officially opens today, but there have already been a ton of announcements and press conferences. Samsung is excited about its SmartThings IoT platform, and it announced a bunch of partnerships that will only matter to you if you’re a SmartThings user. Sony said PlayStation VR 2 will launch on February 22, and it also announced Afeela, a new car it will launch in 2025 in partnership with Honda. It took AMD CEO Lisa Su under an hour to demonstrate why AMD is the industry chip leader. If you are unfamiliar with the impact chips have on our world, here’s a link to her keynote.

As I walked the floor yesterday, one overarching strategy seemed to have been adopted by every big tech company: partnerships! Years ago, before everything needed to be Alexa-compatible, big tech companies concentrated on telling their own stories; they wanted consumers to buy into their individual ecosystems. At CES 2023, most big tech companies are concentrating on their core capabilities and working with partners to create compelling consumer offerings. This is a welcome strategy shift, and the entire consumer tech industry will be better for it.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.