Shelly Palmer

A New Chrome Feature You Will Use

Google just added three new search features to its Chrome browser that I have wanted for years: @tabs, @bookmarks, and @history shortcuts. They all work the same way: in the address bar, type @tabs followed by whatever term you’d like to search, then press the “search tabs” button that appears below it. Wow.

If you are a criminally insane Chrome tabs jockey (me) and you need an additional (free and awesome) tool, you can also check out Skeema in the Chrome web store. It offers a nice way to organize (and close) collections of Chrome tabs for future use, which is important because Chrome is a memory hog. The fewer tabs you have open, the better your computer is going to run.

There you have it. Two tools to make your life easier.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.