Shelly Palmer

A Pretty Clear Indicator of Crypto’s Future

When trying to predict the future success of any technology, one of the oldest (and best) tricks of the trade is to follow the interests and participation of key engineering talent. The strategy is simple; if a technology attracts the best engineers, they are going to create the best hardware and software for it, and its likelihood of success greatly increases. While not a foolproof strategy, it’s easy to understand and relatively easy to execute.

To further its goal of providing a full stack of crypto infrastructure, Coinbase is launching Node, a new set of APIs designed to connect engineers to the Ethereum blockchain. It is a feature set inside of Coinbase Cloud that you can think of as an “AWS for blockchain.” The free tier includes 120,000 daily requests, which is more than enough for robust testing and POC projects.

If you are a crypto enthusiast, thinking about DeFi, or just trying to get a handle on the future of Web3 (whatever it turns out to be), watch this closely. If you see the best engineering talent jump on Coinbase Cloud’s Node (not to be confused with Node.js, which is what engineers usually think of when you say the word Node), it should give you a pretty clear indication of the quality of the tech we can expect in crypto’s future. If Coinbase fails to attract the 10x-ers, well… you’ll have to draw your own conclusions.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.