Shelly Palmer

Tech Takes a Back Seat Today

Today, I wanted to stay focused on tech and Web3, but I’m a father of three and I have three beautiful grandchildren (with one more on the way). I could barely hold back my tears as I watched the parents, grandparents, and loved ones of the dead trying to process the senseless, violent deaths of their babies. They are us. This can happen to any family in America. It is not OK.

More than 100 people die from gunshot wounds every day. Some are self-inflicted, but many are homicides or mass shootings. We (you and I) need to do what we can to stop this.

There are many valid reasons to own a weapon based on the AR-15 platform, but walking into a room full of 10-year-old schoolchildren and killing them is not one of them. Learn about the use cases for semi-automatic high powered rifles with high capacity magazines, think about the fact that these weapons are easier to obtain than a voter registration card, and act accordingly.

I can’t stop thinking about how I would feel if this happened to the people I love the most.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.