Shelly Palmer

EU proposes mandatory USB-C on all devices

The European Union has announced plans to force smartphone and other electronics manufacturers to fit a common USB-C charging port on their devices. The rules will apply to tablets, headphones, portable speakers, video game consoles, cameras, and more.

The EU has a history of soul-crushing tech policies. As you know, they like to sue big tech (rather than promote innovation), but this… this goes too far!

USB-C connectors suck. Unlike other, more acceptable connectors, USB-C plug and jack combos don’t “click” into place. They just kind of sit there, and you have to guess if you’ve got a good connection. More often than not, you have to twist and jam the plug into the jack until the connection is solid, which causes the exceptionally short lifespan of every USB-C jack.

What is the EU thinking? USB-C? I wonder how Tim Cook will feel about this piece of legislation.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.