Shelly Palmer

Telecom industry pushing back on Biden’s $100 billion broadband plan

You know how you can instantly tell if a new law or government program is good for consumers? Big corporations hate it. In this case, the whole telecom industry hates the idea that the proposed Biden infrastructure bill is committed to affordable internet access for everyone in America, no matter where they live.

The proposed bill will prioritize broadband infrastructure spending on government-run and nonprofit networks. In other words: on providers that have “less pressure to turn profits” and “a commitment to serving entire communities.” This has infuriated incumbents like AT&T and lobbyists like CTIA.

Why isn’t the internet available to everyone? It’s not profitable to wire rural areas, which is precisely the Biden Administration’s point. I’m not a fan of the bill as written, but I’m thrilled that this issue is front and center.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.