Shelly Palmer

Tesla’s Cars Could Run on ‘Full Autopilot’ Within 5 Years

Self-driving cars might be on the roads faster than most people think, says Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk. Musk told reporters in Tokyo that Tesla is developing the technology for “full autopilot” consumer cars in just five years. This new timeline is faster than some experts–even Musk himself–had anticipated. IHS, a research firm, previously predicted self-driving cars would not be on the road until 2025. Around this time last year, Musk was skeptical of this concept, telling the Financial Times, “My opinion is it’s a bridge too far to go to fully autonomous cars.” Now it appears the ultra-competitive entrepreneur, who is also CTO of SpaceX, is trying to outdo competitors like Google and Volvo who are also working on autonomous cars. “I think in the long term, all Tesla cars will have auto-pilot capability,” Musk said Monday.

Read the full story at Fast Company.