Shelly Palmer

‘Nearables’ Could Revolutionize the Way We Live With Tech

Last week beacon technology–sensors which can trigger actions in devices that come within range, increasing their spatial intelligence–shrank in size and grew in opportunity with the introduction of Estimote Stickers. Three millimeter-thick adhesives no bigger than an oversize postage stamp, the nearly weightless Stickers–dubbed “nearables”–are an impressive evolution of the egg-sized Beacons that Estimote introduced in 2013. “Beacons are a little bit like URLs for the physical world,” says Steve Cheney, cofounder and senior vice president. “We don’t know exactly how it’s all going to work out, from the experience level, but I think the apps you use the most will start to integrate beacon technology in a way where you assume it was always that way.”

Read the full story at Fast Company Design.