Shelly Palmer

N3twork (iOS) Collects Online Videos Into TV-Like Channels

I have a confession: I don’t know how to use YouTube. Not that I don’t know how to upload a video, or watch one, or even embed one in a blog post. I don’t know how to use YouTube to find anything I’d actually want to watch. No doubt, it’s a sign of creeping middle age, but YouTube feels like an overwhelming, pulsating mass of meme-flogging, beauty tips, and banner ads. It’s very much not what I want to turn to when I’m sitting on the couch at the end of a long day. And yet YouTube is brimming with great video, as are so many other pockets of the internet. The problem is finding it. That’s where a new app called N3twork comes in. Launched on Thursday, N3twork (pronounced “network”) takes an approach borrowed from Pandora, Pinterest, social media, and maybe even a little bit of Tinder to filter and funnel online video in a way that makes all those moving pictures feel just a little bit more like traditional TV.

Read the full story at Wired.