Shelly Palmer

Report: Apple is Also Paying ISPs to Ensure Speedy Data Delivery

Apple has apparently turned on its new content-delivery network, and is reportedly paying Comcast and other big ISPs to move hardware into their data center and build direct interconnects to their networks. This is the exact same evolution that Netflix has been going through, building out its own CDN and agreeing to pay ISPs for interconnection. The major difference is that Netflix has loudly opposed the fact that ISPs can charge a fee for this arrangement, while Apple has stayed mum on the issue. Content delivery networks (CDNs) are intended to speed up the delivery of data to customers by placing servers in locations around the country. That way when I request data in New York, it can ping a nearby Apple server. Apple has traditionally relied on third-party CDNs like Akami and Limelight, but has decided it can do much of that work for less money by working directly with ISPs.

Read the full story at The Verge.