Shelly Palmer

Apple’s iWatch: 7 Things It Must Do to Win the Market

We don’t know much of anything about Apple’s upcoming smartwatch, or even if such a thing exists. But as hype, rumors, and expectations reach the pre-release fever pitch we’ve come to associate with a new Apple product, it seems all but certain that Tim Cook will take the stage this fall to announce what Apple hopes is its next world-changing device. It’s a long time coming. “I think the wrist is interesting,” Tim Cook said at the D Conference in 2011. “I’m wearing [a Nike Fuelband] on my wrist. It’s somewhat natural. But as I said before, I think for something to work here, you first have to convince people it’s so incredible that they want to wear it.” Apple’s obviously not the only company trying to make an incredible product — from Samsung and Google to Pebble and CooKoo, many others are in the wristwear business.

Read the full story at The Verge.