Shelly Palmer

The Smell-Sending oPhone Launches an Indiegogo Campaign

In the spirit of such aromatic experiments as Smell-O-Vision and scratch and sniff comes a new technology that seeks to bring aroma to mobile communications. The creators of the oPhone say their device will allow people to send and receive scented messages, just as they do texts or photographs today. Messages that tickle the nose, the inventors contend, are the next step in electronic communications. “It will take time before people understand how to integrate this into mobile messaging,” said inventor and Harvard professor David Edwards, Vapor Communications’ co-founder and chief executive. “But you can be sure that one day, aroma will lend itself to mobile communications as easily as text communications do.” Edwards and a former student, Rachel Field, are attempting to raise $150,000 to start production of the oPhone Duo through an Indiegogo campaign.

Read the full story at re/code.