Shelly Palmer

OkCupid Experiments on its Users — And is Excited About It

Online dating site OkCupid is laughing in the face of Facebook’s human experimentation scandal, lauding its own such efforts on Monday in a blog post on OkTrends. The post, titled “We Experimented on Human Beings!” reminds us that “if you use the Internet, you’re the subject of hundreds of experiments at any given time, on every site. That’s how websites work.” Then it proceeds to brag about messing with people’s emotions for the sake of science. OkCupid performed three studies on its users, without telling them, the results of which range from depressing to obvious. One called “Love Is Blind, Or Should Be” found out that–shocker!–people are shallow. Users planting the seeds of love via perfectly productive conversations with faceless potential lovers stopped talking to one other once OkCupid restored pictures to the accounts that had been “blind.” (This is the scientific basis of Tinder’s popularity.)

Read the full story at Fast Company, and OkCupid’s blog post at OkTrends.