Shelly Palmer

A New Website Makes Sure You Never Stay at a Hotel With Bad Wi-Fi Again

Some business travelers may choose their hotels based on promises of free Internet connections, but that’s practically useless when the service is spotty and the bandwidth is limited. There’s nothing quite like the frustration of faulty Wi-Fi when you just need to get online quickly to upload files or Skype into a meeting (or even just stream a TV show). A new website called Hotel Wi-Fi Test does exactly what its name promises — it tests the speeds of hotels in key markets (New York, San Francisco, Las Vegas, London, Singapore, Bangkok, Amsterdam and Hong Kong), so you can decide whether or not to stay there. There’s also a real-time feature that lets you determine how well the Internet is working at the hotel you’re currently in. hotel guests can review the Wi-Fi offerings to alert other travelers and the lodging staff to encourage changes.

Read the full story at Mashable.