Shelly Palmer

Netflix (Still) Isn’t Happy With Verizon’s Streaming Speeds

Earlier this year, Netflix signed a Web traffic deal with Comcast, then complained about it. Here’s a new version of the story: In April, Netflix signed a Web traffic deal with Verizon. Now it is telling some of its customers that Verizon’s pipes — and, presumably, other ISP’s as well — aren’t up to snuff. Last night, Vox Media designer Yuri Victor tried watching Netflix on his MacBook and ended up seeing this message from the streaming service on his browser, blaming Verizon for slow speeds: “The Verizon network is crowded right now.” Netflix spokesman Jonathan Friedland, via Twitter, described the messaging as a way to “keep members informed.” Via email, he said the wording was a “test that advises members when their network is congested,” and that it isn’t specific to Verizon. “We’ll see whether they think it is valuable or not.”

Read the full story at re/code.