Shelly Palmer

A Computer Has Passed the Turing Test for the First Time

Judges in England were fooled into thinking the machine they were conversing with was a human on Saturday — making the computer the first to pass the 65-year-old Turing Test. “Eugene Goostman” is not a 13-year-old boy, but 33 percent of the people who partook in five minute keyboard conversations with the computer at the Royal Society in London thought it was, according to The University of Reading, which organized the test. The Turing Test is based on “the father of modern computer science” Alan Turing’s question, “Can Machines Think?” If a computer is mistaken for a human by more than 30 percent of judges, it passes the test, but no computer has accomplished the feat — until now. “Eugene” was created in Saint Petersburg, Russia, by software development engineer Vladimir Veselov and software engineer Eugene Demchenko, according to the University of Reading.

Read the full story at NBC News.