Shelly Palmer

Curiyo, a Content Discovery and Curation Tool, Closes $1.9 Million Seed Round

Curiyo, a content discovery and curation tool which helps publishers increase user retention and add a layer of content in context without users leaving the page, just closed a $1.9 million seed round. Founded by Bob Rosenschein, the founder and former CEO of, Curiyo is available as a downloadable browser extension, mobile app for Android, WordPress plugin and a 1-line JavaScript package for publishers. Once Curiyo is integrated, users can get additional context for selected words. This context comes from across the web, including background, pictures, video, news, up-to-the-minute social search and more.

“We have created a new platform for curation and discovery,” said Rosenschein. “Our goal is to deliver the most compelling content in one place, in a simpler user experience, and with the least amount of hassle.”

The seed round was raised from investors including OurCrowd, Cedar Fund, Morton Meyerson of 2M, Kima Ventures, Tom Glocer, Gigi Levy, JumpSpeed Ventures and more.