Shelly Palmer

uberFAMILY (NYC) Ensures a Child’s Seat in Your Ride

As they so often are, the rumors were true: the smartphone-based taxi request app, Uber, is adding a new service in New York City called “Uber Family.” The company’s calling it “uberFAMILY,” but we’re calling it Uber Family. Anyway, as the name implies, the new service takes what Uber already does and adds a guaranteed child seat. It also adds $10 to your ride: a small price to pay for the guarantee of a child seat, but it’s also a $10 charge to guarantee the safety of child riders. There’s no update to the existing app required; once you enter “FAMILY” in the promo code page, your next ride optionally becomes an Uber Family ride. Just like that! As seen in the image above, on the left side, there’s an option for “Family” in the bottom row that’s selectable after inputting the promo code. Thats a pretty neat way to add functionality, if you ask us.

Read the full story at Engadget.