Shelly Palmer

Quitbit, a Smart Lighter, Wants to Help You Quit Smoking

If you’ve ever chastised a friend for their gnarly smoking habit, you know that scolding does absolutely nothing. Making people feel bad about smoking just makes them want to smoke in secret. Well, here’s an idea: What if it was your lighter making you feel bad about smoking? You can’t run away from your lighter right? There’s a new Kickstarter for a snazzy “smart” lighter called the Quitbit. Like the fitness tracking gadgets whose name it apes—no lawsuits, yet!—the Quitbit would supposedly help you monitor your quitting with information broadcast on a built-in display, keeping track of how much you smoke, how long it’s been since your last one, etc. In theory, this information might move you along the path to quitting by helping you “understand” your smoking. Or it might just add a statistics buzz to the nicotine buzz you’ve already got going.

Read the full story at Gizmodo.