Shelly Palmer

How to Protect Yourself (and Your Passwords) from Heartbleed

Security threats are making the news quite a bit lately, whether that involves situations where a user’s information either has been compromised or potentially could be compromised. The latest Heartbleed web security flaw has nearly everyone recommending that you update all of your online passwords. With this particular security threat however, you need to check first to see that the web site you are accessing has actually been fixed. LastPass, the makers of a password management service, have created a LastPass Heartbleed checker that you can use to see if the site you are about to change your password with has been updated. Changing your password before the site has been updated will still leave you vulnerable. But even if there isn’t a clear and present threat, the Department of Defense has recommended that passwords should be updated at least once a year.

Read the full story at Giga OM.

Note: re/code reports that Apple said iOS, OSX and “key web services” were not affected by Heartbleed.
Note: ComputerWorld reports that Twitter was unaffected by Heartbleed, too.