Shelly Palmer

Google X Tried to Design a Space Elevator

A working space elevator is still, sadly, not a reality. But sci-fi geeks may be excited to know that some of the most intelligent and imaginative minds on Earth have indeed looked into the logistics of building such a fanciful contraption. Rich DeVaul, head of Google X’s Rapid Evaluation team, has confirmed for the first time ever that Google’s super hush-hush R&D lab actually tried to design one. “It would be a massive capital investment,” he said in this month’s issue of Fast Company. But once this hypothetical machine was built, “it could take you from ground to orbit with a net of basically zero energy. It drives down the space-access costs, operationally, to being incredibly low.” Unfortunately, our current technological landscape has its limitations: “The team knew the cable would have to be exceptionally strong– ‘at least a hundred times stronger than the strongest steel that we have.'”

Read the full story at Fast Company.