Shelly Palmer

Amazon Launches ‘Wearable Technology’ Storefront Page

Amazon is dedicating part of its store to the ever-growing number of wearable devices on the market. The online hub, simply called Wearable Technology, covers smartwatches, wearable cameras such as the GoPro, healthcare devices and fitness trackers. Given the space is relatively young, Amazon is also educating customers with an area called Learning Center. It includes buying guides for a few different wearable categories (activity trackers, smartwatches and wearable cameras) and a library of videos that demonstrate some of the retailer’s most popular products. Amazon is promising a large range of brands to choose from, including smaller companies such as Narrative and Bionym. Given that the first Android Wear-powered devices are on the horizon and rumors of an Apple iWatch continue to circulate, we suspect the hub will be increasingly popular this year.

Read the full story at The Next Web.