Shelly Palmer

‘Preview’ on Google Glass Plays a Movie Trailer When You See its Poster

Can’t decide what movie to see? You could search through reviews or ask your friends. Or you could use Google Glass and a new Glassware app called Preview. The software officially left beta status this week according to GlassAppSource and can be manually installed to Google Glass. After that, simply look at a movie poster — or an image of one — and you’ll see the flick’s preview trailer right on Glass. When in “preview” mode, you can even move from poster to poster and the app will switch to the appropriate trailer. Here’s a demonstration: Preview is the effort of Takahiro Horikawa, who debuted an early version of the software in January and has been tweaking it ever since. The idea is that you can just go to a theater and use the movie posters there to see trailers and decide which film to watch.

Read the full story at Giga OM. See how it works in the video below.
