Shelly Palmer

Oculus Will Keep Focus on Games — For Now

In a call with investors following its surprise $2 billion acquisition of Oculus VR on Tuesday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the virtual reality company’s focus will still be on games, for now. “I do think gaming is a start,” Zuckerberg said. “Once you get a network effect around gaming, you start to get communication cases. … People will build a model of a place far away and you can go see it. It’s like teleporting.” For most of its life, Oculus execs have maintained a hard line about the identity of the company’s virtual reality headset, the Oculus Rift: Gaming, gaming, gaming. It’s only in recent months that the message has broadened a bit to include things more in line with Facebook’s product, such as a hypothetical social communication app Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe described to me last year. “Kids will one day look back and laugh at FaceTime,” Iribe said in the interview.

Read the full story at re/code.