Shelly Palmer

Mt. Gox: ‘A Bug in the Bitcoin System’ Led to 750,000 Lost Bitcoins

Troubled Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox, once the largest of its kind, filed for bankruptcy protection last week. on Monday, the exchange released a statement that confirms approximately 750,000 Bitcoins deposited by users and about 100,000 Bitcoins belong to Mt. Gox had disappeared in February. This acknowledgment comes after a document claimed to be leaked out of Mt. Gox was circulating within the Bitcoin community last week, which suggested 750,000 Bitcoins had been lost. In an update to its financial situation published on its site, Mt. Gox notes that the discrepancy between the amount of cash held in financial institutions and the amount deposited from Mt. Gox’s users come in at about 2.8 billion yen ($27.6 million) — though the exact amount of missing deposit funds and the total amount of Bitcoins that disappeared still can’t be fully confirmed as of now.

Read the full story at The Next Web.