Shelly Palmer

Magneto Wants to Be Your New Online Calendar

Everybody reading this story probably uses an online calendar. And it works just fine. We enter information into the little boxes, we get notified when something is coming up, we share our activities with relevant work or family contacts. But perhaps calendars could be better, if some smart folks scratched their heads hard enough. A company called Magneto launches today, with a whole bunch of interface and functional tweaks, in a bid to be the new place where you organize your time. Redwood City, Calif.-based Magneto comes from people with backgrounds at Google, Groupon, SAP and SRI: Ellen Beldner, Gadi Shamia (they are a married couple) and David Schairer. It’s backed by seed investors. Here are some of the best tweaks. Instead of Magneto staying locked in a standard Sunday-to-Saturday grid, the first day you see is the one you are on.

Read the full story at re/code.