Shelly Palmer

LinkedIn Opens Doors to High Schoolers Older Than 13

While there has been quite a lot of discussion about how Facebook may be losing its cachet among younger users who are going elsewhere for their social media kicks, LinkedIn made a bold move to start reaching out itself to this very lucrative, if fickle, audience: LinkedIn is beginning to promote itself to high school students (“13+ for most countries around the world” a spokesperson explains to me) and it has launched University Pages, dedicated pages for universities for people to add to their profiles and to reach out to people. LinkedIn hopes that both moves will not only expand the reach of how people use its site as their default anchor for resume-style information online. And also how it, too, could potentially tap into this user base to begin long-term relationships. Both of these are getting rolled out globally, with the younger users starting to get accepted beginning September 12.

Read the full story at TechCrunch.