Shelly Palmer

5 Key Questions Drive Success

This simple approach using only 5 key questions can dramatically increase your likelihood of success.

These questions generate the necessary information and perspective to help you make good decisions.

Step One is to determine the missing information that each question has the ability to generate. Then write sub-questions to obtain this information.

I’m providing a few thought starters, but every situation requires a tailored list of sub questions.

1. Who?

2. What?

3. When?

4. Where?

5. Why?

For every issue and opportunity, you should start with these five key questions and develop your own relevant subset of more exacting questions to find the golden nuggets and potential bombs.

Some people think “How Much” is a sixth key question. Personally, I believe it’s a sub-question AND a result of those I’m recommending. Regardless, how much you have to invest and how much you need to earn obviously are critical outputs of my approach.

Step Two is to answer your questions.

The more value you see in this approach, the more: