Shelly Palmer

Google+ Is Only Used for 2% of All Social Sharing

Despite a reportedly growing user base, Google+ isn’t popular when it comes to sharing content on social networks. A new report from Gigya says that only two percent of social sharing happened on Google+ in Q2 of this year (April-June 2013). That’s a fraction of the sharing that took place on Facebook, Twitter and even Pinterest, Gigya says. Those same three sites — Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest — are the top sharing destinations from both media/publishing sites and e-commerce sites, too. But in the latter category, e-commerce, Pinterest is actually the top sharing destination. In both of those categories, Google+ is again getting only about two percent of the social sharing activity. When presented with data like this in the past, Google has typically explained the numbers by saying that most sharing on Google+ happens privately, making such sharing invisible to data crawling.

Read the full story at Marketing Land.