Shelly Palmer

Barnes and Noble Launches Nook Snaps, a Kindle Singles Equivalent

Amazon’s e-readers are successful largely because of the ecosystem they tap into: Amazon’s wide Kindle catalog makes it an easy pick for readers, and the company said last year that its Kindle-exclusive titles had been downloaded over 100 million times. Now, competitor Barnes & Noble, whose Nook business is struggling to stay afloat, is trying to bolster its own store with exclusive short stories and essays. Nook Snaps, as they’re called, have been commissioned by Barnes & Noble from Jessanne Collins (managing editor of Mental Floss), novelist Michael Dahlie, and others. Amazon, by comparison, has pulled in exclusive deals with authors like Stephen King. Each work is at least 5,000 words long and sells for $1.99 apiece; Barnes & Noble is planning to release a new selection of three to five exclusive works every other month.

Read the full story at The Verge.