Shelly Palmer

AOL to Launch Google Reader Replacement on Monday

As the end of Google Reader nears, AOL is planning to announce its own alternative to the service: “AOL Reader.” As you can see on the current landing page for the service, which is public, its tagline is “All your favorite websites, in one place.” The service is currently operating in private beta. Currently, few details are public in regards to the design of this service, however, the site’s CSS styles reveal that the service will offer mobile Web optimizations for touch devices. Additionally, it appears LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and Facebook sharing will be supported, judging by the CSS: “icon-twitter,.icon-facebook,.icon-google-plus,.icon-linkedin” As Google exits the feed reader space, services like Feedly and BlogLovin have stepped up to fill the gap. Further complicating things, Digg is set to unveil its service next week.

Read the full story at The Next Web.