Shelly Palmer

Google Trekker Completes 9,500+ Photo Grand Canyon Expedition

Wish you were here? That’s the Meteor Crater, in Arizona, which has now got its very own panoply of panorama photos in Google Maps. It’s one of 9,500 images of the Grand Canyon that Google has added to its mapping service–more scree view than Street View, it has to be said. The shots go hand in hand with last year’s underwater pictures taken at seven locations all over the world, thrilling explorers everywhere. And who could forget the Black Marble? None of these shots would have been possible without the hiker’s version of Google Street Cars, Google Trekker, which the firm unveiled to the world last June. Essentially a backpack with a panoramic camera attached to it–think large fluorescent green golfball and you’re almost there–but what we’re thinking about is this: Where in the world do we want Google Trekker to go next? The Himalayas, perhaps?

Read the full story at Fast Company.