Shelly Palmer

Netflix agrees to subtitle all films by 2014


In an agreement that the National Association for the Deaf calls “a model for the streaming video industry,” Netflix has agreed to caption all of its shows by the year 2014. The online-streaming giant is already captioning 82 percent of its videos, according to the consent decree [PDF] filed in court yesterday. Now, it’s bound to finish its entire library, reaching the 90 percent mark in 2013 and 100 percent by 2014. The company has also agreed to speedily caption new content. The agreement says that Netflix will put captions on new content within 30 days by 2014; within 14 days by 2015; and within 7 days by 2016, “and shall strive to reach a point at which Conforming Captions are provided simultaneously with launch at all times.” Read the full story at CNN.