Shelly Palmer

Google+ Hangouts Get Closed Captioning, Transcripts

Google Plus

You can read a transcript of what’s going on in a Google+ Hangout in real-time — Closed Captioning, essentially — thanks to a new app released Thursday called Hangout Captions. The app provides a transcript of a Hangout that can be read by those who are deaf or have trouble hearing, allowing them to participate in the conversation as well. “By adding the +Hangout Captions app, you can either connect live text from a professional transcriptionist to your Hangout, or type right into a text box yourself to transcribe a Hangout for your friends,” Naomi Black, technical program manager for accessibility engineering wrote in a post on Google+. “Right now, we only support professional transcription through StreamText and our ‘do-it-yourself’ Basic Transcription. This is an early look at the app so you can tell us what you think.” Read the full story at Mashable.