Shelly Palmer

Blog, Vlog, Podcast, Mobcast


So many new words, so little time. Blog (web log), Vlog (video web log), Podcasting (including audio in your RSS (really simple syndication) feed for download into an Apple iPod or other MP3 player) and Mobcasting (mobile podcasting) an Andy Carvin acronym which posits the use of smart phones to create podcasts — are all relatively new words that represent one extremely big idea —  unfettered plebeian access to the fifth estate.


Until a few years ago, governments (secular or non) had almost complete control of information.  That made (and continues to make) information a form of currency — like the military and other stores of economic value.  These “new words” are much more powerful than the technologies they represent, they speak a new language of information and, to be sure, currency.

The value you will place on this information is in direct proportion to the use you have for it.  Most people won’t care about the rantings of a technophile or a housewife lamenting her need for appropriate child care — or will they?  Imagine a world where a group of protesters use their cell phones to acquire and document their experience with government forces and aggregate (and spin) that audio/video experience on the web.  How about a simple group of friends witnessing a car accident or something worse.

We are at the dawn of a new era — not the cliche version of the phrase — “new era” the home game!  Imagine the power of an individual when they are able to publish and internationally distribute audio and video more efficiently than CNN or Fox News.  That’s not years in the future … it’s already here.  Want to believe?  Check out some of the websites like
or or and just play the tape .. err … file to the end.

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